Meet Optimal AI:
the optimization engine for engineering

Unlock the potential of your engineering teams and
workflows with Optimal AI.

Git ahead of the game:

Improve engineering efficiency and measure what matters to deliver business results. Optimal AI unifies and enriches engineering activity with no changes to your teams' workflows, connecting issue tracking and Git source control to give you real-time insights on delivery and customer outcomes.

Works how you work:

Optimal AI connects into your teams' workflows, regardless of their tooling or processes. Our platform develops an understanding of your unique workflows to understand how you deliver customer value, with best practices baked in. Designed to work with popular tools such as Jira, Gitlab, Github, Bitbucket and Atlassian apps.

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Engineering ROI,
Revved Up:

Go beyond commits or performance monitoring based on lines of code. Unlock team health, feature-level insights and customer value delivered, to report engineering ROI to the wider organization.

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Workflows, unblocked:

With real-time notifications and visibility, Optimal AI alerts you on blockers, PRs, and priorities. Triage stale PRs and high priority blockers, by team or by individual, and accelerate engineering performance and delivery.

Engineering utilization, compiled:

See the impact of your products and features with Optimal AI, tying engineering effort to customer value. Our platform provides human-informed insights into what's working and what's not, with weekly, monthly, and quarterly views by team and product line.

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Security, built-in:

Built-in enterprise grade security, reliability and encryption, with privacy controls. Your data and metadata is encrypted under the 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard. Optimal AI is designed to keep your data safe and secure, with the option to upgrade to a dedicated single-tenant environment.

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Enterprise grade security

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All data stored in the U.S.

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Team access and admin controls